The stones and various models are distinguished as follows on the basis of the installation procedure:
1. Stones and bricks installed with joints (GeoBi finish).
2. Stones installed without joints (dry-stack installation).
This characteristic is outlined in the catalogue and price-list corresponding to each model. However some models which have been designed for installation with joints can be dry-stacked and vice versa.
To simplify the ordering procedure, materials with joints are packaged and sold with this space included, whereas the others are sold without spaces between the stones. Consequently it is sufficient to indicate the measurement of the areas to be covered (m2)* and the height of edges (lm)* without carrying out complex calculations to allow for waste.
The joint dimensions calculated in the assembly are 1.5/2.5 cm for the stone. If normally jointed models are to be installed using the dry-stacking technique, increase the amount of material by 10-20% when ordering, to compensate for the lack of joints.
For the MUROGEOPIETRA PLUS (dry laying) models, when ordering, consider a 10-20% increase in material, calculate the required number of GEOFIT chips to add and subtract their area from the order of only Flat pieces. INSTALLATION WITH JOINTS + GeoFit BIG and/or SASSO Consider to order about 20% of the amount of GeoFit BIG and/or SASSO calculated for murogeopietra plus (except for the pieces of GeoFit SMALL) in the mentioned colours. (see pages 16/17)
The joint dimensions for BRICKS with a height of 4 cm is 0.8 cm, 1 cm for bricks with a height of 5/5.5 cm and 1.5 cm for bricks with a height of 6/6.5/7 cm
As packaging is carried out manually and the product has irregular shapes and sizes, there may be slight differences in boxes amounting to +5%, therefore it is advisable to purchase a small percentage extra to allow for any waste on site.
*Each item has two types of feature: Flat and Corner pieces. Flat pieces are installed on vertical walls and ordered by the square metre. Corner pieces are installed on corners and are ordered by the linear metre. Installing corner pieces around openings for windows, doors and columns helps to give the impression of depth and three-dimensionality, accentuating the design of the finish.
N.B. quantities ordered should be rounded up to the box for Flat pieces and 0.5 lm portions for Corner pieces. As per price-list.

RIGO consists of precision-cut ledge stones molded into panels measuring 11,4 cm x 61 cm, assembled into tightly stacked ledge pieces with varying surface heights and lengths. The panel stair-stepped edges create a tight fit, eliminating unsightly vertical joints. Beveled backsides keep mortar contained for a cleaner and tighter dry-stack installation. The special profiling on the sides of this model make it modular, which would require LISTELLO (STRIPS) in the case of walls between CORNERS.
The Rigo’s LISTELLO connects flat panels in case a gap is too small to be fit with full panels.
LISTELLO is used ONLY in uninterrupted rows of panels running between two Rigo corners (for ex. between windows, doors, etc.)
LISTELLO: Height 3,8 cm~ / Length 28 cm~
PIECES for BOX: 0,75 m2 = n° 72 pcs LISTELLO

An example of a calculation and its simple formula is shown.

You can proceed as follows:
Install CORNER PIECES first. Install FLAT PANELS along the row from both sides. Run full panels until a gap is too small to fit a full panel. Fill in the remaining gap with the Rigo LISTELLO pieces.
H Height (in cm) of wall between RIGO CORNERS / 11,4 Height (in cm) of the flat RIGO PANEL / 6 Max. number of LISTELLO RIGO pieces per row.