In the presence of critical installation coat bases, with insufficient mechanical strength to support the cladding, Geopietra's experience reccomends NOT to rely on treatments or pitting, since they cannot guarantee the endurance over time. The best solution is mechanical hooking, created by using a skim of Geocoll® glue with a minimum thickness of 3/4 mm, in which the special Georete reinforced mesh is embedded and then fixed to the loadbearing structure using stainless steel Geotasselli wall plugs.
Georete is a special large-mesh fibreglass arrangement with exceptional mechanical strength for use as reinforcement for unstable or insubstantial bases. With a specific weight greater than 315 g/m² it supports such high tensile loads that it can be used as an alternative to conventional iron mesh. Georete is used as a support layer in guaranteed solutions for installing Geopietra on external thermal insulation.
Thanks to its high-quality anti-alkaline finish, Georete provides excellent resistance against alkalis, whereas the large mesh (15x15 mm) enables the perfect adhesion of the mesh in the adhesive, guaranteeing the integrity of the reinforced layer. Unlike metal products, it also limits the consumption of adhesive, reduces thicknesses, adapts to the thermal expansion of the material in which it is inserted, is not subjected to oxidisation, and does not create electromagnetic fields.

WALL PLUGS complete with PLATE and SCREWS
with diameter of 8 mm.
EXTERNAL / INTERNAL USE: stainless steel screws
If using for mechanical anchoring on wood or similar, ask for GEO-PIATTOVITE, plates with stainless steel screws with diameter of 8 mm.
AVERAGE COVERAGE 6.37 plugs/m2

1. Using a smooth trowel apply a layer of Geocoll® adhesive which is 2/3 mm minimum and of reasonably soft consistency (8.5-9 litres of water per 25-kg bag). With very absorbent bases dampen them first then apply the layer when there is no film of water remaining. With dirty or deteriorated bases clean or remove fragile parts.

2. Embed the Georete fibreglass mesh, overlapping the joints by at least 10 cm and turning on corners to make the wall compact and counteract the stresses created at corners.

3. Apply a second layer of Geocoll® immediately, covering the mesh completely.

4. 5. 6. Use a drill with a bit diameter of 8/9 mm to create a 40x40 cm grid corresponding to 6.37 wall plugs per m2 and insert the Geotasselli wall plugs, ensuring they are held firm and removing and replacing any that are loose.

7. Cover the heads of the plugs with a layer of Geocoll® to prevent water seeping into the structure.

8. Install the murogeopietra only once completely dry (minimum 2 days).