Arch. Tom Kneepkens


Determined and empathetic, traveller and passionate, reserved and ambitious, Tom Kneepkens is a practical, creative man with a curious mind. He appreciates the beautiful things of life and as an architect he’s driven by the beauty of his projects, the ambition to amaze and the desire for perfection, down to the smallest detail. He draws inspiration from the world of nature, from life, from travelling around the city and to faraway places with his family. As an experienced professional, rather than following a fixed style, he likes to focus on the characteristics of the location, its history and the possibilities it offers, on the needs of the customer and the opportunities to create situations of pure joy. The combination of his creativity and the way he approaches each new project with a fresh mind create unique and highly customised living spaces, that enhance the lives of those who use them, becoming the perfect expression of each customer’s needs and identity.

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