Linear Project AG


Linear Projekt AG was founded in 1982 by Hanspeter Fischer and Roland Gysi. In January 2010, Alex Kunz and Beat Zgraggen took over the company and continue to manage it with the same professional competence and reliability. Good architecture can only be realised with a well-coordinated team, both for single-family houses and large-scale developments. Our team is formed by 12 qualified and experienced employees who guarantee a high level of quality and ensure sustainable and future-oriented design for our customers. We promote these qualities during the training of apprentices, to which we give great importance. Our experience in planning and project management of large residential developments lead us to develop attractive offers for private or institutional investors. We have a modern infrastructure advanced technical equipment to do our work efficiently. Our know-how offers a short planning phase and a very personal, flexible and fast service. Satisfied customers, buyers and residents lead us to continue on our chosen path.

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